Wednesday, September 5, 2018

Talking Watches: With Dan White

White talked watches with us at the Nomad, in the space where his performance unfolds, and as you’ll see in the video, he shared some of his work with us. Now, it’s one hundred percent true that you could call his act “thinking man’s magic,” but the goal of every magic trick is to produce, on a visceral level, an incredulous “What the hell?” – and his work’s a treat not just for the thinking adult, but also for the kid in all of us who loves to wonder how it was done, and has more fun not knowing. On that note, by the way, the ability to produce suspension of disbelief is essential to enjoying magic and a lot of that is in the hands of the magician, but solutions to magical effects can be found all over the Internet – please don’t post spoilers in the comments if you’re a magic fan and know how some of this stuff was done! I have theories, but I’m keeping them to myself.

from Best Watches For Men