Sunday, March 10, 2019

Weekend Round-Up: Tomb Guards, Timely Tunes, And Electric Ladies

LCD Soundsystem Electric Lady Session

Every time I swing by my friend Alex’s apartment, he is always excited to share his latest find from his local record shop. This time, it was LCD Soundsystem’s Electric Lady Sessions. One of my biggest regrets is never seeing them in concert as LCD Soundsystem has been a big piece of the soundtrack to my life and I think many other can relate the ability to mark life occasions with songs from their catalog. 

Well, enough sentiment, what about the music? In short, it’s awesome. If you are looking for some new tunes or have been charged with playing DJ this weekend, I highly recommend it. I am not a music critic but to me this record feels fresh, fun, and full of groove. My favorite moment?  Listen for the transition between “Home” and Chic’s “I Want Your Love.”

– Nick Roberts, PR Manager

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