Saturday, March 30, 2019

Weekend Round-Up: Mobile Masterpieces, Ultimate Pitching, And a Fireball In The Bering Sea

How to Move a Masterpiece – The Guardian

While admiring artwork at a museum, we often ponder its style, technique, significance, and value. But how often do we think about how that artwork was shipped? It turns out that the logistics of shipping artwork is extremely complicated and astronomically expensive. There are different schools of thought when it comes to shipping priceless masterpieces. Sometimes they are joined by a full motorcade and armed guards, even shutting down roads as they pass through. Other times, the shipment is purposefully made as low key as possible, as to not attract any attention at all. A common practice is to have a courier accompany the shipment “nail to nail”, that is from the moment an artwork is removed from the wall in museum A, until the moment it is hung on the wall of museum B, often halfway around the world. If you want to learn more, read Andrew Dickson’s in-depth article for The Guardian.

– Nicholas Manousos, Technical Editor

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