Sunday, March 3, 2019

Weekend Round-Up: Dark Forces, Ultralight Backpacking, And The Return Of F1

A Swiss Town Built On The Number 11, For Good Reason – BBC

Solothurn is a small town outside of Bern, Switzerland, with a fascination surrounding the number 11. The town has 11 churches, 11 chapels, 11 fountains, 11 towers, 11 museums, and a town center clock displaying 11 hours on the dial. This fascination goes even deeper: Solothurn’s Cathedral of St. Ursus was built in 11 years, has 11 rows of steps, 11 doors, 11 altars, and pews in rows of 11. And to really drive the point home, one of the altars is made from 11 types of marble. None of this is a coincidence, the town was planned with the number 11 in mind from the beginning. To learn the reason behind Solothurn’s fascination with the number 11, be sure to read Mike MacEacheran’s fascinating BBC article.

– Nicholas Manousos, Technical Editor

from Best Watches For Men