Thursday, March 28, 2019

Watch Spotting: Frank Ocean Wearing The Richard Mille RM 37-01 Automatic Kiwi

Adorned with fruit slices and tiny candies, the RM 37-01 Automatic Kiwi has a carbon TPT case and a bright green rubber strap. Ocean, who has been heralded for his distinctive style and taste (alongside his generation-defining music), has an eye for bright colors and eclectic tones and, assuming the RM is his, the 37-01 Kiwi seems a bold but appropriate choice. And, if I may continue to read between lines that may or may not exist, the child-like whimsy of the Kiwi could be seen as matching well with Frank’s music, which often touches on color, youthful phases, coming of age, and childhood memories. It’s a weird flex, but it works. 

For more on the Richard Mille Bonbon collection, click here.

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