Saturday, September 1, 2018

Weekend Round-Up: Beautiful American Museums, Drunken British Sailors, And Mysterious Holes In The Earth

A Brief History of Drunken British Sailors – Munchies

They say friends don’t let friends drive drunk, but for hundreds of years, nobody told the Royal Navy that friends don’t let thousands of friends drive hundreds of ships armed to the teeth drunk. For various reasons, ranging from the need for a crew both relatively compliant and belligerent at need, to the challenge of keeping water potable during weeks or months at sea, everyone from officers down to the lowliest cabin boy was drunk for most, if not all of the time they were on board. The fact that the daily tot of rum persisted for as long as it did is a fascinating side note to the history of naval warfare; the story, naturally, is over at

– Jack Forster, Editor-in-Chief

from Best Watches For Men