Tuesday, September 4, 2018

HODINKEE Radio: Episode 9: Keegan Allen

Keegan Allen will be a familiar name to regular HODINKEE readers, since he was featured in an episode of Talking Watches a few months ago, back in April. Like with a lot of watch guys, Keegan’s story starts with his family and the ubiquity of a quality watch on his dad’s wrist. But from there, Keegan’s found his own particular taste, in a way that’s astounding for such a young guy. You’ll notice his preferences skew toward high-quality sports watches, but always models with a little extra personality.

Beyond his love of watches and his career as an actor, Keegan is an avid photographer, with two published books of his work. Hollywood, which was published just a few months ago, is a collection of photographs all taken in Keegan’s home neighborhood in Los Angeles, with the goal of showing how multifaceted the place can be when you’re actually on the street. As if that wasn’t enough, he’s also a musician and podcast host, because of course he is. Keegan is one of those dudes whose excitement is utterly contagious – I can’t even type this without smiling as I think about our conversation. If you want a reminder of the joy that things like watches, music, photography, and more can bring on a personal level, just listen and I think you’ll pick it up pretty quickly.

We hope you enjoy Episode 9 of HODINKEE Radio. Check out the show notes below and let us know what you think in the comments.

from Best Watches For Men https://ift.tt/2oD4cIE